Thứ Ba, 7 tháng 2, 2017

Học tiếng Anh: Nếu con người dừng uống nước

Phần 1

If we are essentially made of water, and …(1)… by water, why do we still need to drink so much? Well, each day we lose two to three liters through our sweat, urine, and bowel movements, and even just from …(2)… While these functions are essential to our …(3)…, we need to compensate for the fluid loss. Maintaining a balanced water level is essential to …(4)… dehydration or over-hydration, both of which can have devastating …(5)… on overall health.

At first …(6)… of low water levels, sensory receptors in the brain's hypothalamus signal the release of antidiuretic hormone. When it reached the kidneys, it creates aquaporins, special …(7)… that enable blood to absorb and retain more water, leading to concentrated, dark urine.

Increased dehydration can cause notable drops in energy, mood, skin moisture, and blood …(8)…, as well as signs of cognitive impairment. A dehydrated brain works harder to accomplish the same amount as a normal brain, and it even temporarily shrinks because of its …(9)… of water. Over-hydration, or hyponatremia, is usually caused by overconsumption of water in a short amount of time. …(10)… are often the victims of over-hydration because of complications in regulating water levels in extreme physical conditions.

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Từ mới:

sweat: mồ hôi

urine: nước tiểu

bowel movements: biến chuyển ruột

compensate: bù đắp

dehydration: sự mất nước

over-hydration: sự thừa nước

brain's hypothalamus: vùng dưới đồi của não

kidneys: thận

notable: đáng chú ý

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