Chủ Nhật, 5 tháng 2, 2017

Học tiếng Anh: Đặc điểm chung của người thành công

Phần 1

Now here we are over 10 years later, and I've …(1)…over 500 successful people face-to-face, and collected thousands of other success stories. I wanted to find the …(2)…factors for success in all …(3)…, so I had to interview people in careers ranging from A to Z.

These are just the careers I interviewed beginning with the letter A, and in most …(4)…more than one person. I interviewed six successful accountants, five corporate auditors, five astronauts who had been into space, four actors who had won the Academy Award for Best Actor, three of the world's top astrophysicists, six of the world's leading architects, and, oh yeah, four Nobel Prize winners. Yeah, I know it doesn't …(5)…with A, but it's kind of …(6)… And I want to say a …(7)…thanks to all the great people that I've interviewed over the years. This really is their story, I'm just the …(8)…

The really big job was taking all the interviews and analyzing them, word by word, line by line, and sorting them into all the …(9)…that people said helped them succeed. And then you khởi động to see the big …(9)…that are common to most people's success. Altogether, I analyzed and sorted millions of words. Do you know how much work that is? That's all I do, day and night sort and analyze.

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Phiêu Linh

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